
My friend Matt had organized a trip across the United States for a new business of his. I was headed out with him but the trip failed miserably after only making it to Idaho. I was going to keep this blog of our national tour (hence the name) but now I just update it with stuff I've been doing.

Thursday, September 16, 2010

Party in the parking lot!

Did you know that at most Wal Mart stores they allow you to stay overnight in the parking lot? Its a pretty interesting place filled with some pretty interesting people.

Last night we met Jesse, who is in town to caddy for the PGA Nationwide tour. He was pretty cool and he introduced us to some of the more "interesting" people in the parking lot. There was a trio made up of two guys age 24 and 21 and their 38 year old girlfriend. Yeah thats right, they shared a girlfriend and the three of them lived in a van. Another interesting character was Richard, the 41 year old disabled Desert Storm vet who claimed he could squat 850 lbs in high school.

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