
My friend Matt had organized a trip across the United States for a new business of his. I was headed out with him but the trip failed miserably after only making it to Idaho. I was going to keep this blog of our national tour (hence the name) but now I just update it with stuff I've been doing.

Monday, September 13, 2010

Seattle... Lights out... Pendleton Round Up.

I got to the Seattle area late Saturday afternoon just in time to catch the Ducks game at Matt's house. Alex and Rob joined us and we polished off several pizzas and a case of beer. The night was still young however. We rolled
down to the University of Washington campus and met up with some rowdy dudes and my cousin Marshall. After several hours of drunken mayhem involving beers, zombies, blood diamonds and gyros, I finally crawled into bed (couch/floor) around 4:30 AM. This led to us hitting the road several hours later than we had hoped which of course led to some complications.

Sunday night we were cruising down I-84 in "The Monstrosity" when we noticed the headlights went out. No problem, we simply drove the next nine miles down the freeway with only our hazard lights on. We had to stop in Pendleton for the evening at the Wal Mart parking lot which was full of RVs since the PBA tour and the Round Up were going on this week. We haven't fixed the lights yet but we did wander around Pendleton and saw some weird shit. In my book that counts as a win. Unfortunately our stay was brief since we left immediately at sunrise.

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