
My friend Matt had organized a trip across the United States for a new business of his. I was headed out with him but the trip failed miserably after only making it to Idaho. I was going to keep this blog of our national tour (hence the name) but now I just update it with stuff I've been doing.

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Stuck in Boise... party in Boise!

We had already been out drinking a few nights in Boise but since we've been stuck here we've been out pretty much every night. Good thing this is one of the cheapest towns to drink in. Every night seems to be dollar beers or 2 for 1 specials. We've been out with my cousins Ryan, Anthony, and Shane a few times and also with Matt's TKE brother Shawn.

So far we've been to:
The Endzone (x2)
Suds (x2)
Mack and Charlies
The Office
Cafe Ole'
The Red Room

This Mexican chick was harassing bar patrons and handing out free condoms.

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