
My friend Matt had organized a trip across the United States for a new business of his. I was headed out with him but the trip failed miserably after only making it to Idaho. I was going to keep this blog of our national tour (hence the name) but now I just update it with stuff I've been doing.

Thursday, September 30, 2010

Heading back home... notes on Boise

After an extra week of hanging out on friends couches and in affordable hotel rooms it was time to go home.

The RV had a lot of shit in it so we rented a 2010 GMC Yukon, filled it with said shit and headed out of Idaho very disappointed to be ending the trip but very excited to be heading out of Idaho.

Some notes on Boise:
- Days in Idaho: 14
- Nights with RV in Wal Mart lot: Pendleton, 1 Boise, 4
- Nights in hotels: 6
- Nights on couches: 3
- Incidents involving the Police: 3
- Average number of alcoholic drinks consumed daily: 10.5
- Days without drinking at all: 2
- Hotel rooms trashed: all of them
- Boise is a (small) city but there are drink specials every night.
- Dollar beers! Quarter beers!
- Boise has the dumbest waitresses in the WHOLE world.
- The speed limit is too slow so I broke it whenever possible.
- Everyone loves BSU, theres nothing else though.
- Boise has one of the largest Basque populations in the world.
- You can smoke in some bars. Some of these bars have no ventilation. Gross.

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