
My friend Matt had organized a trip across the United States for a new business of his. I was headed out with him but the trip failed miserably after only making it to Idaho. I was going to keep this blog of our national tour (hence the name) but now I just update it with stuff I've been doing.

Friday, September 17, 2010

We broke down... I climbed the mountain

Last Thursday we had a long night of drinking so we didn't hit the road until around 1 PM. We were cruising along when all of a sudden the engine started getting real weird. We pulled off the freeway and found out there was coolant spilled all over the engine. We let the engine cool down and refilled everything and tightened all the caps. While we were letting it sit I had a nice adventure climbing the nearby hills. After an hour or so we hit the road again.

Off I go...

I made it!

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